Submit Your Travel Stories

Traveling Mamas is putting together a collection of stories written by parents, grandparents, godparents, aunts, uncles, and anyone who has a story related to motherhood (or even just being stuck sitting next to a mother and her crying child).

If you have a heartwarming, funny, or inspirational travel story you would like to share with the world, then check out our submission guidelines on the Anthology page.

We are so excited to bring our stories, and yours, to print. So, get out there and write your own travel story and submit it to us before the September 1, 2008 deadline.

We wish you all the best during this upcoming travel season.

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  1. Since there is no mention about the anthology should I assume your decisions have been made and the book has gone to press? Previous visits to your site have asked for “patience” due to the lengthy process.

    Thanks so much for a response!
    Best regards,
    Beth Lynn

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