Plane Quiet Noise Cancelling Headphones

Why oh why can’t I listen to my music or movies when flying? Either my kid or someone else’s kid is screaming all through the flight. Let’s not even mention the noise from the plane itself.

Plane Quiet Noise Reduction Headset – The Plane Quiet Platinum is a full around-ear active noise reducing headset. It’s combined high fidelity sound, active noise cancellation, and low price, make it an unbeatable value. The Plane Quiet Platinum is also one of the lightest,active noise canceling headsets available. Experience “The Sound of Silence”. Compatible with: iPod ®/ MP3, CD, DVD players/laptop computers/ desktop computers. This item can be purchased at Traveling Mamas readers can get an extra 5% off their order and free shipping by using the discount code travelmama.

Congratulations to Heather C who left the last Festivus comment before the end of the contest.

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One Comment

  1. That’s at the top of my Christmas list for 2009!

    Because I’m trying to listen to Mike Oldfield on iTunes, but my phones can’t filter out Josh Groban’s dismal moaning on the stereo downstairs.

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